Le nostre volontarie Ucraine hanno finito il loro periodo di volontariato in associazione lo scorso Agosto. Abbiamo un pò riflettuto sulla loro esperienza con noi, sul contributo che hanno dato alla nostra associazione e ai nostri utenti ma anche su ciò che hanno avuto modo di imparare in questi 10 mesi. Ecco un pieghevole che riassume il valore di Help and Empower Yourself:
My 10 months project is about to end. I am happy and sad at the same time. But what can I do..time is flying, life is moving on! I t was an interesting experience. Of course there were things I didn't like and couldn't get used to, but definitely, there were a lot of positive moments. I had time to travel and see the island, which was nice. I met many international people. I was forced to learn Italian, because very few people speak English fluently, and learned a lot about Sicilian culture. I met many challenges, but this is actually what life in another country is about. Finally, I started loving olive oil, which I never used in cooking before. For the first time in my life, I participated in the Gay Pride and local carnival. Speaking about volunteering in the organization (working with disabled people), it was unexpectedly easy. I think that's because everyone was really friendly and open to communication. It was my firs...