This is the 3d week of my staying in Palermo. I like how Uniamoci Onlus unites people, i like friendly and home-like atmosphere here, its pleasant to see how people enjoy themselves in this place. This working week was short but very busy. We did lots of crafts, watched “Friends”, learned basic Ukrainian, made traditional Portugeese masks, started another recycling proiect. I liked how people reacted to Ukrainian language lesson. It was much fun to repeat those strange Ukrainian letters and phrases, wasn’t it? ;) I hope the next lessons will be as fun and enjoying so that guys could learn some words and make a small talk in Ukrainian. It will make life a little bit easier when welcoming another volunteers coming from Ukraine J ! хороших вихідних! побачимось! 😉😉😉 Galia
Blog dedicato ai progetti di Volontariato Europeo promossi da Uniamoci Onlus in qualità di organizzazione di coordinamento, di invio o ospitante. Esso contiene post redatti da Uniamoci Onlus, i suoi partner ed i volontari sve ospitati o inviati all'estero per raccontare le attività ed i risultati dei vari progetti di volontariato europeo attivati